Hello Everyone,
We had a pretty god week this week. Again we got to do a lot of service but we were also able to see some of our top investigators, which is awesome.
We were able to start teaching Stephanie, who is friends with one of the youth in our ward. She seems really interested I can see her getting baptized within this next month(if her parents allow it). We also were able to see the Perez family and continue teaching them. We had a neat experience with them and Sister Perez really opened up to us. I think it'll be a turning point for them and learning about the church. So they're looking pretty good too! It'll still take a while with the language barrier.
A highlight of the week was we had our tri-zone conference for the east side of the mission on thursday. So that included the 3 "east side" zones which are Fargo, Bismarck and Sioux Falls. So a lot of missionaries where there and it was really neat. Elder Zwick of the 70 was there and gave most of the training that received. It was a very powerful conference and I really appreciated the theme of it. The theme was change. Change is a very powerful and necessary part of the gospel if we ever plan on growing spiritually. He also told a lot of really neat stories that I wish I had time to share but I don't. Needless to say it was a great blessing to be able to taught from a 70. Something that was really neat about Elder Zwick was that Elder Richard G. Scott of the 12 was his mission president! So he had some really neat stories about Elder Scott since he is really close to him.
I actually have time to share one story. He mentioned how in this last conference Elder L. Tom Perry(I believe) talked about the Manti temple and its roof. Then he said he's going to tell the rest of the story that Elder Perry didn't know about(but not he does). Elder Zwick's company was contracted to double the size of the Manti temple. So that involved expanding it downwards. Anyway, he talked about in the process of that it led them to the roof and to reinforcing the supports(for lack of a better word) while they were in construction so the roof wouldn't collapse. But as they were doing so they found that about 90% supports were dryrotted and structrally unsound. So first off it was a great discovery because not even the structural engineers of the temple had found this and if they didn't pretty soon the roof would collapse and destroy much of the temple. He talked about how they were faced with a dilemma and that they had to remove the whole roof on the 5th floor that was over the Priesthood room. It was a tragedy for them to do that because of the beautiful pioneer artwork. But he said you can still go there today and see it how it was because they took many many pictures so it could be recreated. Anyway, to the point of the story. He talked about how we all in our lives have spiritual dryrot, and if we never get rid of it and cleanse the inner vessel soon our spiritual roofs will collapse. Sometimes its difficult to remove that dryrot and replace it with good solid wood, and sometimes it will take sacrifices and removing things that are precious to us. But as we take those steps to remove that spiritual dryrot the Lord will bless us and grant us the gift of His Spirit!
Anyway other than that we finally have some on date for baptism! Its exciting. He's our 9 year old, Xander, and he's excited to baptized 2 weeks from now, the first weekend in November. So we're getting pretty excited about that. The work seems to be picking up and I only hope that I can be ready and worthy to be filled with the Spirit so I can help the Lord accomplish miracles in this area of His vineyard. And do you know what the most important thing to do is to be ready and worthy of the Spirit? I'm sure you do...its EXACT obedience. As we strive in our lives to be 100% obedient, not 99%, not 99.9% got will endow us with great power.
I am grateful to be a missionary and to be learning and growing and helping others to do so as well. Have a great week!
Elder Fitt
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