Monday, December 28, 2009

November 23, 2009 Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello Everyone,
I hope you all are doing well and have exciting plans for Thanksgiving. I think for once the distance we have in this area has worked to my advantage. Since all the members last Thanksgiving lived pretty close to each other they all wanted us to stop in for Thanksgiving, so we were in pain by the day ended after eating about 3 and a half Thanksgiving dinners! But since everyone is far from each other and it would be a large inconvenience to find rides, we will only be able to eat at one persons home. Alright, my stomach won't explode this year!
But other than that we had a pretty good week. Again we got to do a lot of service. We helped a member move to a new house which is a lot closer to the church, which is awesome. We helped an investigator build out a window well for the basement, which was fun.
A few weeks ago we fixed a Sister's computer and this week she gave us our reward. It was a homemade 5 pound pizza, the thing was ridiculous. Huge ol pizza and boy was it good, needless to say it didn't survive very long.
Also, the baptism for our 9 year old is still set in stone for the Sunday after Thanksgiving, which is awesome and we're looking forward to that. Things are looking good hear and we have some members working with their friends who sound pretty interested in learning about the gospel. So we're excited about that and are hoping for the best.
Other than that things are going a little slow since we aren't having much luck finding people on our own efforts. But the Lord is blessing us in other ways for which we are grateful. We had a really nice week this week weather wise and we've been able to ride bikes some more which was really nice. Cold weather is approaching and I'm not looking forward to it.
Well I better get running but I hope all is well and that you are sharing the gospel with your friends are living in thanksgiving to the Lord; 'tis the season!
Elder Fitt

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