Sunday, December 27, 2009

August 31, 2009 One Year Out!!

Hello Everyone,
I hope you all had a good week! Man time sure does fly, its crazy. This time last year I was just barely in the first week of my MTC experience. Its been a good year though and hopefully the next one will be even better.
We had a pretty good week this week. We had zone conference earlier in the week and it was amazing like always. We had some great trainings about building our faith, which is always important to keep working on. Right after zone conference we did exchanges and I went to serve with an Elder Erickson(he's from Orem, UT) in a city called Bemidji, the place where I was originally called to serve a transfer ago before they changed it to Detroit Lakes. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and we got a lot done up there.
Its always amazing to see where ever you go the members are always awesome and want to help out in whatever way they can.
Neat experience we had there. We were teaching one of their investigator's,
Todd, whose a pretty spiritually sensitive guy. He's working towards baptism but had a pretty rough life so he's working on overcoming some bad habits. We offered to give him a blessing to help him in that effort and he said he'd like that. After the blessing he commented on how he felt different and that he felt that he had known us for a really long time. It was pretty neat.
When I got back to Detroit Lakes we were blessed to see the Perez family again, Maria and Alvarro. They're doing awesome. We taught them about the Plan of Salvation and they really liked it and kept talking about how they want to make it to the top circle and not the other two. We tried to commit them to baptism. They said they wanted to be baptized but didn't want to set a date yet because they want to learn more. But its pretty exciting. They also fed us some traditional Mexican food, highlight being a mole sauce. They were able to make it to church too, which they enjoyed. Its too bad that Maria can't understand English too well. But the Lord will
Well I better get going. I hope the Lord is providing you all with missionary experiences and that you're seeking them yourselves! The Church is true!
Elder Fitt

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