Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 2 in the mission field (9/29/08)

Hello Everyone,
First off, thanks for the emails and support, its great! Well this week went pretty well. We ran into an interesting character earlier this week. His name is Joe and he called us up and asked us for "just one interview." So we met him at Burger King, because he was out roaming the streets. He seemed not all there, and Elder Daly wasn't so sure if Joe is accountable. Anyway, we answered all his questions and bore our testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and why we go to church. It was a good experience, I hope we see him more often because he said he was just really lonely and wanted someone to talk to.
We haven't gotten any member referrals yet since I've been here, and when I arrived in the mission field there was only 1 progressing we've been out finding people as much as we can. We've been tracting, trying to reactivate less-active members, contacting previous investigator's etc. And have had about 10 callback appointments fall through. So it has been a frustrating week in finding new people to teach. We did get the opportunity to teach some less active members some lessons and invite them out to church, but nobody made it.
The only lessons we taught to a investigator was to a lady named Gloria. She's probably in her 60's and seems to be getting a little senile. She has been receiving the lessons from the missionaries for several months now I believe. But she asked a question that led us straight into lesson 3, or the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a good lesson and we focused on the importance of priesthood authority and the necessity of being baptized by it, because that is one of her main struggles. We tried to commit her to baptism afterward but she said she didn't want to rush anything and that she'll think about it. Oh well.
Our other investigator, Angelo, missed his appointments this week because of work but hopefully we can talk with him today. He seems close to baptism, so hopefully we'll be able to teach with the Spirit today and help his testimony grow.
Sunday was nice. It had been 2 weeks since I had partaken of the Sacrament, since last week was District Conference. And when you're on your mission, at least for me, the Sacrament is a pick-me-up even more so than off the mission. It was a good meeting and afterward I had the opportunity to participate in a blessing of the sick for an elderly lady. Her and her husband are a senior missionary couple from Ohio who were on their way to Salt Lake City for a family history mission. The day they left the Sister broke her arm, and then on Sunday she was feeling sick as well so I had to the opportunity to take part in that and it was pretty neat. It so great to help others and serve, its definitely one of the best parts of the mission.
Well this is a shorter email because nothing too exciting happened. Ooh except last Monday there was a CRAZY lightning storm. It was awesome, lightning was striking about every 6 seconds on average, it was intense, and lasted for about 45 minutes. It was pretty sweet.
So on that note, I'll close with my testimony of service. I know that as we try our hardest to look for others in need, the Lord will bless us, and as we help them through their struggles our capacity to love will increase and provoke in us a desire to serve everyone! Our church is a church of action, so we need to get out there and serve, serve, serve. I know the Lord will bless our lives and those who we help. In Preach My Gospel it gives a list of Christlike Attributes that everyone needs to develop. I'd urge you all to work on the attribute of Charity, which is the pure love of Christ. Serving others is a great way to do so and I know that as we try to increase our Charity we will draw closer to Christ and He will help us and strengthen us in our lives. I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Fitt

I'm not sure who knows, but I'm only allowed to email back my immediate family. So anyone who emails me who doesn't fall into that category and would like me to write back, give me your mailing address, I'd be more than happy to write : )

Monday, September 22, 2008

Week One/Area One

Hello everyone!
Its been a crazy week. Last Wednesday we took a plane to Rapid City, South Dakota. The flight was only an hour and 15 minutes long, and somehow I managed to get a seat next to a member of the church, it was cool. As we flew to SD, he pointed out a bunch of the trails and landmarks that some of the handcart companies took. They sure trekked through some pretty desolate areas.
Well when we arrived the mission president, President Cannon, picked us up with one of his AP's, and 2 of the office elders. So we went to the mission home, and had a really good lunch and spent the rest of the day learning about the mission rules, bearing our testimonies, getting interviews and napping. That evening we were assigned our areas after we had a little spiritual pow-wow. As you know, I was assigned to the Pierre District. Pierre is the capitol of South Dakota, only because it is in the middle of the state. It is definitely not a large city at all. Its population is 15, its smaller that good ol' EDH. The Missouri River, I believe, runs through the middle of it, its a cool river.
Anyway, on Thursday we jumped in the transfer train (a big ol' van with a trailer) and started our journey to our respective cities. Pierre is only 2 hours away from Rapid City so I had the quickest drive of the lot. Some of the elders had 14 hour+ drives, and the elder's who were driving the transfer train were going to be driving around for 3 days! The mission is huge. Well I arrived in Pierre and met my trainer, Elder Daly. He's from Mesa, Arizona and is a cool guy. He's been teaching me well. We visited some people that day and did a little bit of tracting. The people here are very nice for the most part, and are willing to talk for a bit even if they don't let you in. We visited a Native American guy named Angelo Horse, and after answering some of his questions from a previous lesson, Elder Daly committed him to baptism...but Angelo was unsure of some things so we committed him to setting a date for baptism next time we came, and he agreed to that. So that's pretty exciting.
The rest of the week we tracted and visited the less active members, or part member families in the area. There are a ton of them. One family that stands out is a member, named Candy, and her non-member mother, Pauletta. Apparently the missionaries have been visiting Pauletta for several months now, but its hard to get lessons in because she doesn't like formal lessons, so you gotta squeeze them in when you can. But she feeds us a lot and well, so we're willing to visit whenever we can. They are a crazy family though, they live in a trailer. Like half the town lives in trailers it seems, it was a pretty big culture shock to me, and I'm still getting used to it.
But the people are friendly, though most of them are really kooky. Oh, apparently Big Mike Andrus served here and he was the AP. He was a trainer for Elder Johanssen, who picked me up (is that worded weird?)! So it was cool talking about that for a while. And Evan Fox, who lived in the Cameron Park area in California served in this mission as well. He just went home though about a week before I got here. Pretty crazy.
Well this letter is already too long...but I'm gonna write if you're getting bored feel free to stop reading, it won't hurt my feelings.
The rest of the week we tracted and visited LA's (less actives) but didn't get much teaching in, we were unlucky. Saturday however, was District Conference. All the branches in the Pierre District (we're in the Pierre Branch) come to Pierre for a 2 day meeting, like Stake Conference. But its a little more important in a way, because the person who you get your temple recommend interview from is the Mission President, President Cannon. And District Conference only happens every 6 months.
So there was dinner that night then an adult session. We got to help out with the preparation and had a chance to visit with the members. The members out here are awesome, they're so strong in their faith. Some of them had to drive over 3 hours to get here. Pretty committed! I had the opportunity of bearing my testimony at the start of the meeting, which was good stuff. Two elders who are serving in the Eagle Butte Indian Reservation, which is up north, came down for the conference and stayed with us at the apartment. They're cool fellas: Elder Schoppman, a hick from Arizona, and Elder Nelson, a pretty cool guy from Utah (Provo area somewhere). They got assigned to be traveling Elders, and we're their back up. That means if anyone anywhere in the district has someone for them to teach, they'll come...which means they could end up driving 7 hours for one teaching appointment! Its pretty crazy.
On Sunday we had the last bit of district conference, with the general session. Afterwards there was a potluck, which was really tasty, and we got to take home the leftovers...about 20 pounds of food, it was awesome. Later that night we went to Candy's place again and had dinner there and tried to sneak in a lesson, but Pauletta wasn't in the mood and hadn't read what we asked her to.
Well that takes me to Monday, today. I think I wrote too much and the only person who read this far was my mom...haha.
I'd just like to close the letter with my testimony that I know that this gospel is true. I know our Heavenly Father loves us and cares for us and through our families we are greatly blessed. Jesus Christ is our Savior and by our faith in Him we can be cleansed from our sins and have the opportunity to live with our families forever in God's presence. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, I've grown so close to it since I've been out here. I challenge all of you who are reading this to start reading the Book of Mormon again if you aren't already, to pray about it, and to finish it by the end of the year. I know that if you do our Father in Heaven will bless you with a knowledge of its truthfulness through the Holy Ghost and you will have a greater love for it. I read the whole book while I was in the MTC and had an amazing experience and I want all of you to have that experience as well. I know we have a living prophet on the earth today, who leads and guides us. I don't remember may have been a talk a by a general authority, but it said that the words of the prophet are more important than the scriptures. FOLLOW the prophet, please, and I know that if you do he'll help you have a happier, more successful life. I love this church, I love the people out here in South Dakota and I am so grateful to be out here on this mission, serving the Lord and His children.

Elder Fitt

The other day I was reading in Alma during the war chapters that involved Captain Moroni. If you get a chance, read his epistle to Pahoran, and then Pahoran's response back and the actions that follow. The faith and love these two brethren have are amazing and they are wonderful examples of dedication, long-suffering, kindness and faithfulness that we all can learn from.

Dang...I wrote a lot. By the way, I have an hour for writing and reading emails, so if it is easier for some of you to write emails, then go for it, but I won't respond as quickly to them. But letters are still preferred since they are more exciting and more fun to read, given that they come in intervals and not just on preparation day.

P.P.P.S. My mom says if you want to send her your email letters, she'll print and mail them to me.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

An email from the Mission Presidents Wife:

Elder Fitt will be serving in Pierre South Dakota His companion is Kevin Daly. Pierre is the capital of South Dakota. He will receive good training in Pierre.

721 East Wells Apt B2
Pierre South Dakota 57501

Sister Cannon

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week Three/MTC

Here's Elder Fitt's final email/letter from the MTC... now the real work begins! YAY for William! Let's all be a BIG, loving family of support and WRITE him lots and lots of letters that are uplifting and geared towards working hard and being an obedient missionary!!! He'll appreciate it more than we know.... or at least I know some of you know how it is to get mail on the mission. It makes the hard times not so hard when one knows that there's so many people out there praying for you and those that you're looking to share the Gospel with.

Hi all!
This email is going to be really short.

We didn't get a p-day this week since we leave tomorrow so I'm squeezing this in during my laundry time. Anyway, this last week has been great, been learning a lot and I'm feeling pretty comfortable in teaching the first few lessons.

We leave tomorrow morning at about 6 am for the Salt Lake airport to be shipped off to our various locations. We spend all the rest of Wednesday at the mission home with the mission president I believe, or his wife and they prep us for the next 2 years. Thursday we'll be shipped out to our area. So that's it for now, I'll be sure to write more in my next email and tell more about what has happened.

Reminder, if you missed it...I'm leaving the MTC, so if you've been writing me letters, my address will be changing soon, and you can use the mission home address I gave some of you a while back.

I'd like to ask everyone to please send me written letters, not emails. I only have 1/2 hour on the computer on my day. If I spend all my time reading letters, I won't have any time left to write to you all. Beside which, I really appreciate receiving the mail. I can re-read the written letters during my spare time and they really help to boost morale.

Anyway, thanks for all the support and all the packages and goodies, have a great week everyone!

Elder Fitt

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week Two/MTC

Hi Everyone!,
Thanks for all your letters and packages and what not, they've been awesome.

Well to get into everything, this week has had its ups and downs. It started off pretty lame because I got this nasty virus that was going around the MTC and have had a really bad cold/chills/aches and occasional fevers for about 4 days. But I got some medication a few days ago and I'm feeling a lot better, thankfully. It is difficult to concentrate when you're sick.

Well lets see, lots has been happening, between studying, teaching, learning and loving- its been a rush. I've had a lot of awesome experiences though. One was with a man who I telephone from the referral center. I was doing confirmation calls (making sure they received what they ordered from the church). He had asked for a bible and when I talked to him he said he did and that he loved it and was reading it every day and night. He was so excited to read about the gospel and he wanted to know more, so I gave him the necessary info and got to bear my testimony to him, it was a neat experience.

What else...we had a elder from our district go home because of some issues before the mission, it was sad but necessary. So every, keep yourself worthy all the time!

We had a fireside on Sunday and had some random district president in the MTC talk to us, it was good, but the best part of that evening was probably the hymns. We get to sing hymns about 30 minutes before firesides and devotionals to get the spirit flowing, heh. We got to sing "Bring the World His Truth"(Army of Helaman), it was awesome. Then that followed with "How Firm a Foundation", all verses. What a powerful hymn, especially the last verse. Then afterwards we got to watch the church movie "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration." Its one of the movies they show at the Joseph Smith Memorial building. It is such a powerful movie and testimony of this man and I am so grateful for him, his example and his dedication to the Lord.

Well we're studying Lesson 2 at the moment, or the Plan of Salvation, and it is really fun to teach and study. Its a real privilege to do so. And yesterday we had the opporunity to practice teaching it to a member who volunteered at the TRC. She was awesome and really did a good job playing the investigator's part. I felt the spirit so strong as we got to center our lesson around the Savior and His atonement. It is such a powerful message of comfort and joy and it was awesome being help to help this lady with her needs even though we were teaching to a character she was playing. I love missionary work.

I know this has been a long letter, but I have one last experience to share that is really dear to my heart. Last night we had the great opportunity to hear from President Uchdorf and his sweet wife. At first I was excited but not ecstatic, because I don't know him all that well yet. But Sister Uchdorf was really funny and cute and has a pretty thick accent. She told us to have courage and "not be spiritual weaklings!" But President Uchdorf's talk was the single most powerful talk I have ever listened to in my life. I wish I had a video of it so you could all watch it. Look for it if you can, maybe the MTC posts videos of the devotionals.

Anyway, he talked about a whole range of topics ranging from humility, to diligence, to managing our time, to our purpose and everything. There was so much in it I only was able to take notes on about half of what he saying, it was all so good. Anyway, some of the gems he said was "don't speak with eloquence of the mouth, speak with eloquence of the heart" and "knowing something by heart is not the same as knowing something with your heart." He focused a lot on teaching by the Spirit and teaching to people's needs, because that is the mission of Preach My Gospel. Theres a lot more really good quotes and I have them all in my journal so you can read it later, but I want to end with my favorite quote. I want to preface this by saying, I know we're told not to tell cast our pearls before swine...(not saying any of you are swine), but this moment is one of the most special moments of my life, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Well anyway, he was talking about the power of our calling and the authority of it. Then he talked about how this same power that we have Jesus himself gave to His twelve apostles when he was on the earth. The President Uchdorf made a most powerful connection and told us that we are literally "the extended arm of the quorum of the twelve." Right at the moment I felt like I was lifted up in the air by the Spirit, I felt like I was floating above my seat. It brought tears to my eyes and I knew that what he was telling me was true.
I have a new found love for this great man and I know that he is a prophet of the Lord. I know the Brethren and President Monson are all prophets and they do have a very special witness of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Treasure their words and their counsel. It comes straight from God. I love this work. I love being a missionary. I am so grateful for this calling.

Anyway, I have 30 seconds until I get kicked off.


Elder Fitt

Week One/MTC

Hello All!

I don't know whose email addresses were correct when I sent this so email me back the family's correct email addresses.
Anyways, how is every one? I sent you a letter today so it looks like you'll be getting this first. So, my first week of the MTC was great, I went over some general stuff in the letter so I'll go into more details right now.
Awesome experiences...well there were a lot. My district is really cool and we had a chance to do a District Fast for a sister in our district who was wanting to go home. We sang a lot of hymns together then all got a turn to tell the sister why we loved her and why we needed to stay (there are 12 of us in the district). I felt the Spirit really stong. It was awesome. It was also cool because I didn't feel hungry at all. And later that day we had some gym time and I probably ran about 2 miles, and I wasn't even thirsty after it. It's amazing how the Lord will bless you when you are doing the right thing.
We had a great speaker at Sunday's fireside who is the missionary services director, Robert Swenson I think, or something like that. He spoke with a lot of power and conviction and got me excited for the work.
Probably one of the coolest experiences was the day we were fasting, we had an opportunity to team teach our teacher, Bro. Vallett, the first discussion, with 6 of us elders. Our goal was to find his needs and help him with them. And by the end of the lesson, he was blown away and laughed as he told us we helped him with a need he didn't even realize he had. Then right afterwards he told us to go outside and bear our testimonies to someone outside.
Elder Whisler and I found this solo elder and went to bear our testimony to him. He was an Elder who was called to serve at the MTC and I guess had special needs. Anyway, after we bore our testimonies, and were walking away, he called to us in his really soft voice and asked if he could bear his testimony as well. And he bore the sweetest, most simple testimony I have ever heard, and he shed a few tears too. But I felt the spirit so strong and was so grateful for the experience, because I knew that we brightened his day and he brightened ours, it was awesome.
A lot more cool stuff happened but there's so much that I can't remember it all. We listened to a really cool talk Elder Holland gave at the MTC in 2000, were he basically pored out his heart to the missionaries and got the most riled up I've ever seen him, he was shaking the podium and hitting it, he was yelling and he was crying, and it was because he kept saying, "My mission meant EVERYTHING to me." It was an awesome talk, and was really inspiring.
Anyway, its about time for me to go, I just wanted to tell you all I love you and hope you are reading your scriptures and are praying everyday! Keep it up!

Elder Fitt

Feel free to starting forwarding these emails to everyone else, and feel free to write me as well!

PPS My mailing address is:
Elder William Fitt
MTC Mailbox #120
SD-RAPI 0917
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

I can receive mail at this address until I leave for SD on the 17th of September.

...Farewell Elder Fitt... revoir... tschüs...пока....tot ziens...Family & Friends at Elder Fitt's missionary farewell!!!

The beginning of a new adventure!

Welcome to Elder William Fitt's Forum!!! YAY! This blog is going to be a posting of his weekly letters and random pictures... so we can come look, read, and enjoy the work and spirit of an amazing missionary!

Elder Fitts mailing address for the time being, this can change with transfers, as some of his areas could be up to 17 hours away by car from the Mission home...

So let's give will LOTS of support when he gets out to the field and send him some letters!

Elder William Fitt
C/O the South Dakota Rapid City Mission
2525 West Main Street, Suite 311
Rapid City, SD 57702-2443