Monday, December 22, 2008

A Very Merry Christmas from Elder Fitt

Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone is doing well and that you all have fun plans for Christmas. We are spending the afternoon with the Branch President's family here, it'll be pretty fun. Other than that though, Christmas is pretty slow for a missionary since no one will let you in(or so I've heard).
Anyway, this week was pretty good. We got to teach Debby Trap again, this time about the Plan of Salvation. It was a good lesson and we enjoy visiting with her and her family. Now only if we could get her to church...(she lives out of town on the weekends on her ranch). Oh well.
On Tuesday we had Zone Conference. It was way good like always. At the end of it each companionship was assigned to give a short training on one person or aspect of the Nativity and how we can apply it to missionary work. It was awesome. We got to train on the innkeeper. And though he isn't directly mentioned in the Bible, we did our best. We touched on President Monson's address from the Christmas Devotional about how we need to make room for Christ in our lives.
We got to teach Cal some more, and Angelo as well. We read with both of them from the Book of Mormon. Hopefully it will strengthen their desire to read and pray about its truthfulness.
One of the zone leader's, Elder Wallace, came to Pierre for an exchange for a few days. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot from him. He's from Boise, Idaho and is a hard worker.
We got to visit Rachel, our less-active lady, this week and read with her some more out of the Book of Mormon. But what was awesome is we got her to pray at the end of our visit!! I was so excited, when we first met her she told us flat out she wouldn't pray with us, and now she is, its great! The Lord sure does know what he's doing.
So we finally got in contact with Markata again, turns out she was in jail for 11 days this time...that would explain a lot. Anyway, we're helping her move this coming week, but she's staying in town so we'll still be able to visit her. Hopefully we can get her back on track!
Well this is kind of a shorter letter, but its time to get going. I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope that you will remember Christ in this season of giving. I heard a powerful talk yesterday at church talking about the greatest gift ever given, our Savior Jesus Christ, who gave his Father everything He has, his will. So I'd like to remind everyone that the only gift we can give to our Father in heaven is our will, everything else he already has and owns, but our will is our own and cannot be taken away. So as we submit our will to Him, I know he will bless us and lead us down the path to supreme happiness and joy. I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Fitt

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