Tuesday, December 2, 2008

12/1/08 update

Hello Everyone!

Well its been a different week, that's for sure. We did a whole bunch of service. Helped a less-active member with some work who is renovating his home. We cleaned out old insulation in the walls, pretty nasty stuff. Then later in the week we helped Pauletta Carpenter, a member's non-member mom, paint her living room. Kinda nasty since it was a messy room where junk had piled up over the years and we had to clean it all out to get to the walls. But her friend, Rex, said he would pay us 20 dollars each if we helped her...which we said we didn't want so they instead took us out to a steakhouse and made us order the biggest prime rib they had there...oh dang. Man it was good!

We also helped out president Olson a lot this week. Helped him shingle the roof of his shed, frame the front part and sheet it. I'll attach some pictures of that so you can see. It was fun stuff and we got a few dinners/lunches out of it.

One cool thing this week. We were looking through some old investigator's who had dropped the missionaries 3-4 years ago. So we tried to visit some, and the last one, lived in an apartment that is always locked, so we just called her instead. And guess what...she answered, and not only did she answer, but she was excited to hear from us! I was shocked, and kinda didn't know what to say at first, I half-expected her to not even live at the place anymore. Anyway, we're going to see her this week and hopefully it would be good. She was a very far progressed investigator who had read the whole Book of Mormon and knew the church was true, but was having some difficulties with her marriage and kinda stopped investigating.

We saw Markata again and read 1 Nephi 2 with her, we're trying to get her into reading the Book of Mormon, it'll be a strength to her as she tries to stop drinking. We also saw Angelo this week and read with him in 3 Nephi 16. He loved it and commented on how he thought he could literally feel Jesus in the room, telling us what was written in the scriptures. He is way awesome, and we invited him and his family out to the First Presidency Christmas Devotional, which he said he'll come to. Ok, everyone, invite your friends, non-members and less-actives around you to it! It is probably one of the most non-threatening things you could bring them to, in my opinion. The Christmas story with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing...what would be better to help get someone interested in our church. So I would challenge each and everyone one of you to bring at least one non-member friend to the Christmas Devotional. Its on Sunday the 7th. Times vary according to
time zone...

Thanksgiving was crazy! We had 3 people invite us over to eat with them...man I was stuffed. I thought I was gonna die if I ate one more bite. But we got a ton of leftovers, so I'm happy. We went to a part-member's home for one of the appointments, and his wife's father was there(an old native gentleman) and he proceeded to talk our ears off for a while. It was interesting. He talked about how the white man stole the country and that its our fault that the natives are so lazy now and how he's going to go visit Obama personally once he gets into office to have him fix the reservations. Ya, crazy guy. But he was nice to us to its all good.

Oh ya, yesterday at church, it was awkward. Kinda glad our investigator didn't show, even though they would've not thought anything about it. But one of the speakers blasted a country song from the Pulpit, the "I'm proud to be an American" song, then proceeded to give a talk on every major war in American history. I know she tried her best to give a good talk, but being in the missionary mindset...none of it seemed quite appropriate for Sacrament meeting, I was squirming in my seat. Oh well, the Church is still True and we need to love and appreciate people where they're at. I know we're all growing and learning together!

Well I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Have a great week!

Elder Fitt

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