Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Elder Fitt's Response

Hi Mom,
Man, my heart sunk when I read your email. But then was lifted back up again when you told me of the spiritual strength the family had. The Lord works in mysterious ways, and I'm sure he needed Jen and that she was ready to go. I was glad to hear that Troy is dealing with it really well, I hope it pushes him into the church, I'm sure Jen would really love that.
We are so blessed with this fullness of the Gospel that we know what is waiting for us in the next life and that we can look forward to it with joy instead of fear. I think that's one of the amazing things about the church, that it is one of peace and joy, fear doesn't(or shouldn't) exist. And it is because of our Heavenly Father's love for us that we can trust in Him and acknowledge his hand in all things.
Well I love you mom so much, I hope you made it safely back to Utah, tell the family I love them!

Elder Fitt

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