Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Prep Day Email 12/5/08

Hello Everyone!
Dang its cold. Saturday night a big storm chased us from the west as we drove home to Pierre from Rapid City, and hit all day Sunday. Raw temperature was around -14 degrees with 30-50 mph winds...we didn't leave the apartment, and church was cancelled. It was pretty cold.
But the week was alright though. We got to visit some people, but not as much as we would have liked...lots of appointments fell through and Markata is still missing. We did get to visit some less-active members and help them out, which is really exciting. Its great seeing them progress back towards the gospel when they're so far off the straight and narrow.
We had our Branch Christmas party this week and we were able to get some non-members that attend our Branch volleyball nights to come, as well as some less-actives, it was good.
We did a lot of traveling this week. We received a referral to deliver and visit with a lady in St. Francis, a small town on the Rosebud Indian Reservation near the border of Nebraska, about 140 miles away from PIerre. So we traveled down there, and guess what...she dogged us, but we still dropped the video off. Elder Nelson had a leadership meeting to attend because he's district leader, so we traveled to Rapid City after going to St. Francis, another 150+ miles. On the way as we drove through Kadoka(you may recognize that name...that was where we got stuck in the hotel for three days because of a storm last month) the weather got really bad, almost to the point where I felt like I should turn off. But thankfully I was able to follow a train of cars out of the storm and then it cleared up. I did not want to be snowed in again in a hotel!!! Anyway, spent the next day in Rapid while Elder Nelson was in Gilette, WY for his meeting. I got to serve with
Elder Callor and Elder Moss. It was a good experience because they're both really good at tracting and I learned a lot from them. The next day we drove home because my eyes were acting up again and I had to go to the doctor to get some medication for them which I don't even think helped at all, but oh well.
And now its Monday and we're out of miles. Yeah, each set of missionaries gets a certain amount of miles alotted to them each month, and we have already used 1000 of our 1100, for the month because of all the traveling. So, we are going to have to walk everywhere we go now in the cold, its going to be fun...kinda, but its alright, the Lord will provide!
One of the great blessings of missionary work that I have noticed really strongly this week is that the Lord is always there to help you. As long as you're willing and are trying to do His will, He will help you accomplish your goal. I know this is true and am so thankful for it. And I know that as we put our faith in Christ, that we will be able to work miracles in the lives of those around us. Never doubt that! This gospel is true! I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Fitt

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