Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 3, 2010

Hi Mom!
Thanks for the email, it was great to hear from you. My week went pretty well. My new companion and I get along really well. His name is Elder Johnson, he's from Fresno, CA. So we've been able to talk a lot about Cali which has been nice. We are having some good experiences and he wants to work so I'm grateful for what a great blessing that is.
It sounds like everything is going well with you, it was good to hear that you had a good trip. Hopefully Dude does well in OK and make a ton of dough. So you got some snow huh? We've been having a ton of rain these past few days which has been really nice, I've enjoyed it alot. But it hasn't been cold enough for snow, thankfully. But I've been enjoying the overcast weather.
That IMAX movie sounds pretty cool. G-bob's observation was pretty smart for a boy his age, man. In the new gospel art book the first picture his of outer space and it always boggles my mind when I look at it. Especially since every swirling looking system is a galaxy of stars and when you count over 30 of those just in that one pictures along with everything else its mind blowing. I always get lost in that picture. There definitely is order to all of this creation!
We had a pretty good week. Elder Johnson and I are getting along really well and have been working hard to get this area going. Unfortunately not much has changed...but we're working at it! Though we have been blessed with some new opportunities. We volunteered at a rest home called Jenkins Living Center and will be going there 1-3 times away. Twice to help the people play bingo, or we'll read to them or write letters for them. Then on sundays after church we'll go over there and help wheel them to the church services that are held in the living center. We hope it will be beneficial to the area. The people will see we want to serve and at the very least we'll be able to brighten up the days of people who probably seldom get visitors (and maybe that will lead to the missionaries in the spirit world being able to teach them easier once they pass on!)

Well thanks for all that you do! I'm looking forward to talking to you and being able to wish you a happy mother's day, because you are the best mother there is! Have a great day!
Elder Fitt

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