Sunday, May 23, 2010

April 13, 2010

Hi Ashby,
I love you too sweetie. It sounds like you had a fun trip eating cookies, making peacock's, playing playing playing, having club and tea parties and getting all wet in the ocean! I hope you gave mommy and daddy a big love and told them thank you for bringing you on such a fun trip! I love you and miss you Ashby, be good for the parents!
Elder Fitt

Dear Gentry,
Elder Fitt Speaking. How are you doing? I'm doing good on my mission. We're working with a nice guy right now who is excited to learn about our church, pretty cool huh? He might get baptized within the next month, we'll see! Ya the Jelly Belly factory is pretty need huh? I remember going there when I was around your age.
So it sounded like you had a fun time hunting with Dad. You're a dang good shot too it sounds like. The squirrel didn't even know he had it coming. That must've been a big lizard to get at 30 yards, or you have really good eyes. Cool beans, I wish I could've gone hunting with you guys too! But I'm out fishing for people out similar...but really different.
Well I'm glad you had a good spring break. Now its time to buckle down and work hard at school so you'll make mom happy (and yourself happy) and you can enjoy your summer to the fullest! I love you bro!
Elder Fitt

Hi Mom!
It sounds like you all had a pretty eventful trip to California! You should've taken some pictures of the scenery...though that might've made me trunky looking at them, haha. It was too bad to hear about the van, hopefully thing's will work out.
Man I didn't know Julie hurt her shoulder a while back, hopefully the surgery goes went well! Anything else exciting happening?
I'm doing pretty good. I'm healthy and happy and striving to do a little better every day. You might like to hear this: I was on exchange this weekend and at the other Elder's apartment I was looking for something to eat and I was horrified at what I saw. Basically the only food one of the Elders had was comprized of potatoe chips, pop tarts, candy, Lucky Charms, Little Debby treats and whole milk......scary! Luckily I found some carrots and an orange that had been neglected in the fridge and made a good meal of that and a loaf of bread I bought. But geez...I'm glad you taught me to eat healthy, I've really tried to do that out here. The biggest problem is its more expensive...oh well, my health is worth it.
Anyway, thanks for the advice and stories, they help! Some things are looking up in the area and hopefully we'll be able to do some good. Thanks for sending the package...I'm looking forward to it. I've got a lot of lasts coming up, and/or recently just had: last General Conference, last B-day, and last phone call home! Its crazy, but exciting and I hope I can make the most of it. Thanks for all that you do mom! The church is true!
Elder Fitt

Hello Everyone,
I hope you all had a good week. I'm emailing a day late because we weren't able to email yesterday. I had been in Huron, SD on exchange for the weekend, and we had a district P-day in Brookings, SD for most of the day so we by the time we did that and exchanged back and got home to Watertown there wasn't much time to do all the emails. Anyway, things are going good!
We had zone conference on Friday and it was awesome, as always. The focus was on the Atonement and that is always worth learning more about. It was good to be able to learn more and feel of the strong spirit the Layton's bring with them. After that I went with the district leader back to his area in Huron and worked with him for the weekend. It was a lot of fun. He's a spanish speaking elder so we visited some spanish speaking people. I mainly played with the kids but I got to help out one to learn english a bit. I'm suprised that I still remember as much spanish I do from taking it in high school, but it certainly helped out this weekend.
We also had an amazing lesson with one of their investigators. After teaching about the gospel we taught about the priesthood and its removal and restoration and she said we hit her with a ton of bricks. She was the first person I've ever taught that has so fully grasped the concept we were teaching. It took her aback and remarked how she never thought that that was even a possibility. For the next 30 minutes of talking and asking questions she was still shocked at the doctrine and thought it very interesting. Almost as we were about to leave she made the observation that now that we had gave her this knowledge she "only had 2 choices left." She didn't say what they were but we believed her to mean to accept the fulness of Christ's gospel or reject it. So hopefully she'll choose the former and get baptized soon!
Anyway, the work is going slow still here in Watertown but that isn't a just means we have a lot of time to find more people to teach! James isn't progressing the best but is still interested in learning. We think he might have gotten some negative vibes from people at home or at his church. He just needs to read and pray, its so simple...yet remarkably hard for a lot of people.
Anyway, thats about it for now. Today is dang hot and we've been sweating a lot. I can't wait for it too cool off again. Its 80 degrees! Man...hopefully I can acclamte quickly..not fun. But ya, the church is true! Thanks everyone for your support, have a great week!
Elder Fitt

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