Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 2 in the mission field (9/29/08)

Hello Everyone,
First off, thanks for the emails and support, its great! Well this week went pretty well. We ran into an interesting character earlier this week. His name is Joe and he called us up and asked us for "just one interview." So we met him at Burger King, because he was out roaming the streets. He seemed not all there, and Elder Daly wasn't so sure if Joe is accountable. Anyway, we answered all his questions and bore our testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and why we go to church. It was a good experience, I hope we see him more often because he said he was just really lonely and wanted someone to talk to.
We haven't gotten any member referrals yet since I've been here, and when I arrived in the mission field there was only 1 progressing we've been out finding people as much as we can. We've been tracting, trying to reactivate less-active members, contacting previous investigator's etc. And have had about 10 callback appointments fall through. So it has been a frustrating week in finding new people to teach. We did get the opportunity to teach some less active members some lessons and invite them out to church, but nobody made it.
The only lessons we taught to a investigator was to a lady named Gloria. She's probably in her 60's and seems to be getting a little senile. She has been receiving the lessons from the missionaries for several months now I believe. But she asked a question that led us straight into lesson 3, or the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a good lesson and we focused on the importance of priesthood authority and the necessity of being baptized by it, because that is one of her main struggles. We tried to commit her to baptism afterward but she said she didn't want to rush anything and that she'll think about it. Oh well.
Our other investigator, Angelo, missed his appointments this week because of work but hopefully we can talk with him today. He seems close to baptism, so hopefully we'll be able to teach with the Spirit today and help his testimony grow.
Sunday was nice. It had been 2 weeks since I had partaken of the Sacrament, since last week was District Conference. And when you're on your mission, at least for me, the Sacrament is a pick-me-up even more so than off the mission. It was a good meeting and afterward I had the opportunity to participate in a blessing of the sick for an elderly lady. Her and her husband are a senior missionary couple from Ohio who were on their way to Salt Lake City for a family history mission. The day they left the Sister broke her arm, and then on Sunday she was feeling sick as well so I had to the opportunity to take part in that and it was pretty neat. It so great to help others and serve, its definitely one of the best parts of the mission.
Well this is a shorter email because nothing too exciting happened. Ooh except last Monday there was a CRAZY lightning storm. It was awesome, lightning was striking about every 6 seconds on average, it was intense, and lasted for about 45 minutes. It was pretty sweet.
So on that note, I'll close with my testimony of service. I know that as we try our hardest to look for others in need, the Lord will bless us, and as we help them through their struggles our capacity to love will increase and provoke in us a desire to serve everyone! Our church is a church of action, so we need to get out there and serve, serve, serve. I know the Lord will bless our lives and those who we help. In Preach My Gospel it gives a list of Christlike Attributes that everyone needs to develop. I'd urge you all to work on the attribute of Charity, which is the pure love of Christ. Serving others is a great way to do so and I know that as we try to increase our Charity we will draw closer to Christ and He will help us and strengthen us in our lives. I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Fitt

I'm not sure who knows, but I'm only allowed to email back my immediate family. So anyone who emails me who doesn't fall into that category and would like me to write back, give me your mailing address, I'd be more than happy to write : )

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