Tuesday, November 24, 2009

April 6, 2009 its April and There's Four Feet of Snow in My Backyard!

Hello Everyone,
I hope you all had a great conference weekend! I know I did. I don't know if its just that I'm on my mission and listening more intently, but this was my favorite conference I've listened to. The talks were all inspiring, uplifting and seemed to have a sense of urgency I haven't quite picked up in the past. I hope we all apply their words in our lives and take the counsel of President Monson and study and restudy the talks when they are released in next month's Ensign. Its hard to pick a favorite talk, but one of the most stirring(like usual) was Elder Holland's talk on the Atonement. It seems like its always him who talks on the subject, and I wouldn't have it any other way because he is so passionate when he speaks. His love for the Savior is incredible and I loved feeling the Spirit so strongly as he spoke about what he loves most.
As for progress in the work, I think soon one of our investigator's, JD Martin, will have a baptismal date soon! This last week we invited him to be baptized and he said he felt like he needs to, but wants us to teach him more first. He was able to attend both Saturday sessions of conference and loved it; he took 2.5 pages of notes, he boasted to us. So I'm really excited about that, especially since we've been teaching him for 3 months now. Hopefully we can help him into the waters of baptism as he comes unto Christ and his Father in Heaven.
Other than that, I'm glad it chose to blizzard on Saturday instead of today, or else it would have been our 3rd P-day in a row stuck inside. Saturday's blizzard was pretty crazy, just about as bad as last weeks. But it was a blessing because we were inside most of the day anyway for General Conference, so it didn't interfere much with the work.
In closing, I hope you all heard Elder Perry's talk on member missionary work. His analogy was so true and accurate, on how members are the shepards and full-time missionaries are the search and rescue team. We usually only find those who are on the brink, or want to be found. But there are many others who will reject us, but not you, their friends. I know that the best way to find people to teach and baptize is through the members of the church. So please, pray for missionary experiences every day. Pray for the strength and courage to ask a friend, co-worker, or neighbor to hear the glad message of the gospel. As we have recently been instructed, one of the reasons we are here in this life is to build eternal friendships. I know, that as you make a constant effort to help those you know and come in contact with to find the truth of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, your Father in Heaven will bless you immensely and you will feel the joy of helping a child of God enjoy the blessings of baptism and the temple.
I hope you all have a great week!
Elder Fitt

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