Tuesday, November 24, 2009

April 13, 2009 I Think Spring Might Almost Be Here!

Well I don't have much time this week to email. Some highlights from the week. Lately we have been working with a less-active family in reactivating them and teaching the eight year old granddaughter so she can get baptized. It turns out the 20 yr old or so son's girlfriend asked him if she could learn too and come to church. So after a week or two of trying to get in with her, we got to this week. Turns out her friend also wanted to learn and come to church as well! So we got to teach Josie and Tanie about the Restoration and they came to stake conference on sunday. So needless to say, we're pretty excited about them.
Umm, we got to participate in a Easter Program the young single adults were putting on at the School of Mines(a college in Rapid City). THat was pretty neat. An atheist attended and we got to talk with him and answer some of his questions and such. He took a Book of Mormon with him so hopefully he'll read it.
Last one, we showed up to stake conference on sunday and 1 of our investigators was there with her daughter, much to our suprise because we hadn't invited them to it. Apparently they came to the church earlier in the week to talk with the bishop, but he wasn't there, but a lady was, and told them to come back on sunday morning and catch him them. So they did just that. Her name is Cindy, and she said she really enjoyed conference. After it she got to talk with the bishop and was able to help her out with some financial aid in exchange for her helping clean the church once a week. She was really grateful. But the best part was she told us how since we've been coming over her husband, Augy(Augustine) has really been changing for the good. He's being a lot more open, happy, spiritual etc. and she was really grateful that we've been coming over and teaching them. It was a heart-warming experience.
Well that's all for this week, gotta run. I hope you all have a good week and share the gospel with your friends!
Elder Fitt

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