Monday, October 20, 2008

Week Four/area One

Hi Everyone!
Phew, its been a long week. Sorry I didn't email yesterday, but it was Colombus day(and Native American Day) s othe libraries were closed and we couldn't email.
So where to start, its been a crazy week.
The first half of the week went by fast. We did a lot of tracting and ran into some interesting characters, like a 100 year old woman who "likes to sleep." She was pretty funny. Then we ran into a old methodist man who's best friend is mormon, so we talked to him for a while and he asked us questions. He was really nice and I enjoyed talking with him a lot.
We taught a lady named Kara that we tracted into a week or 2 ago. She's a little cooky, and probably in her late 20's. Seems like she's had a traumatic life. But it was great teaching her about the Restoration and when we told her about the Book of Mormon and how Christ visited the Nephites she was all "I didn't know that happened...well that makes sense." So she was really receptive to what we taught her and she said to come back next week and teach her more.
We got to do some service for a member of the ward, Scott Olson, who is the 2nd counselor in the Branch Presidency. He is a great guy. He's building a shed in his back yard as well as a 20-step set of stairs to his front door. So we helped him set up the framework for the stairs so he could pour cement into on Thursday(we helped him on Wednesday). I think he said he needed about 17 yards of cement for the shed and the stairs.
But on thursday we had tri-zone zone conference! It was awesome. We drove to Rapid City for it with Elder and Sister Moulton, a senior couple from Provo, Utah, who are really funny. They took us to Wall Drug, in Wall, SD which is "world famous" for its free ice water. It was funny.
Well at the tri-zone we got to hear from Elder Jones from the 2nd Quorum of the Seventy, and he was awesome. He was way enthusiastic and taught us so much about teaching with the Spirit. It was way good. I also ran into an Elder Scott Henry, who is from Cameron Park, CA. I knew him a little from stake activities back in the day so we chatted for a while and it was neat talking with him. He goes home in few months I believe.
After zone conference, I got sent on an exchange with Elder Nelson from Layton, UT, up to Eagle Butte, and Indian reservation for 6 days. Its a long exchange and I go back to Pierre tomorrow, but its been awesome. For those of you who haven't been on a reservation, just imagine a small town of a couple thousand, full of drunks, trailers, and small houses. Its a pretty little town but its out in the boondocks. Oh also, a lot of rules don't apply on the rez(reservation). Like you don't need a driver's license or insurance on your car, etc. It's crazy.
Every morning on the rez we do service for 2 hours picking up trash because all of the natives are either asleep, wasted or at work. So you can really visit anyone, except for the few white people here in the mornings. Its been pretty bitter cold up here because its been kinda stormy, so picking up trash in 30 degree weather w/out a coat(Because I forgot it in Pierre) wasn't too fun, but it was good being able to serve.

Geez, there's too much to talk about and this letter is getting longer and longer by the minute.
Next...we've been teaching a recently reactivated family's children, 2 of which have been baptized and one that we're working on now, Xania, who is almost 8 years old. The family is the Norris's and they're a funny family. They have a little 3 or 4 year old girl named Isis, but everyone calls her Grandma. She is probably the cutest little girl(excluding Ashby) that I have ever seen in my life. I wish I had a picture. She's adorable, and calls everyone mom except for here dad, who she calls gog. She'll go around and pull on your shirt saying, " Mom mom mom mom" and then point to something, its so funny. So I'm officially a mom now, haha.
Well we've been fed a lot on the rez which has been really nice and the members out here are really nice. Its a small branch.
Well we've been able to teach alot of people out here and there's 2-3 baptisms scheduled soonish, which is great.
Now to the climax of the week. A family(The Waters) of 6, a mom, and 5 kids, ages ranging between 13 and 23, moved up to Eagle Butte in may, from Modesto. They're natives and are an extremely close family. Well one of the sons plays football and it just so happens that the Branch President out here is the coach of the team. So he was able to get the family to come to General Conference, well the mom said she'd go. And that morning she told he kids, "I'm going to church, and you guys can come if you want." And they all came! And then this week they all came again! They have a great love for each other and for Heavenly Father.
Well anyway, President Inu(a polynesian guy with a native wife) invited us over, as well as the Waters family to have lunch after church. He made the best seafood I have ever had. There was pounds upon pounds of shrimp there, fish, crab, lobster, squid, octopus, mussels, you name it he had it. Oh it was delicious and I'm still craving it. But after lunch we got to teach the family the restoration. They all listened really well and participated a lot, sharing experiences where God has blessed them in their lives and how they have grown closer to him as a family.
I could write 2 more pages of our lesson, but I don't have time. Anyway, we committed them to reading the Book of Mormon and all of them said they would, pretty enthusiastically as well. They're so awesome and I'm said that I have to go back to Pierre because I can see them being baptized really soon, that'd be 6 baptisms! Anyway, it was an amazing experience teaching them and feeling the Spirit.
I've made this long enough, but I'd like to thank my Heavenly Father for this opportunity I have to serve His children. I have learned and grown so much and this work is great. We listened to a talk, called the Mortal Christ, by Jack R. Christensen(or something like that). The talk was amazing and I'd recommend listening to it, but one thing that he emphasized that really hit me hard was he said, most sincerely, something in the effect of this. "I came to the realization that I don't want to be the causine of Christ's suffering in Gethsemane." Meaning, his relationship with Christ had become so personal, so full of love and trust, that he himself couldn't bear the thought of causing the Savior pain and sorrow as he atoned for us. So with that he said he determined to no longer add to the drops of blood for the Savior to suffer for us. He had a change of heart and did not want to sin anymore.
I thought it was so powerful and it really made me think about my relationship with Christ, how I do love him so much and am thankful for his Atonement, how he suffered for me personally, as well as everyone else. How he knows me and can help me in my struggles as well as you. He his my Savior and I love him, and am so greatful for my Father in Heaven for allowing his son to be the Redeemer of mankind.
Again, I love this work and my call to serve. I hope all you are helping the missionaries where you live further the work of the Lord.
I love you all hope you have a great week!

Elder Fitt

P.S. Because of the exchange, I haven't been able to get to people's letters that have been sent within the last week or so, but once I get back to Pierre I'll get right on it!

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