Monday, October 27, 2008

2 Month Mark!

Hello Everyone!

How's it going? Ya so as of today I've been in the mission field for 2 months, crazy huh!? I think so! The time has flown by. The saying out here goes "the days go by slow(sometimes) but the weeks go by fast, and months fly by." And its too true.
Anyway, we had an alright week. We got to do a lot of service helping out Scott Olson and other relatives in the Olson family. We helped pour and shape a driveway, which was a new experience for me and was pretty fun. Did a lot of landscaping and backfilling behind a shed that President Olson built, so we moved a lot of dirt. We also helped him build a retaining wall, which is always fun...lugging 80 lbs cement blocks around again always leave you sore, but satisfied. And it is getting a lot colder here. This morning it was 20 degrees or so, but we've had some nasty winds for the past week which chill to the bone, and it isn't even very cold out yet. But I haven't started wearing my jacket yet...that could be my problem.
A lot of this week was spent trying to find people to teach because many of our appointments fell through again. We got a new investigator this week, Christina. She was sorta skeptical about our message, but warmed up to it and when we gave her a Book of Mormon she said, "Oh I always wanted one of those, I wanted to see what is in it." So that's was exciting, hopefully she'll have a desire to learn more at our next appointment.
We ran into some stoners when we were looking for previous was pretty funny, but I don't think we'll go back anytime soon.
Another funny story, we were tracting and a guy started talking to us for a while. He said he had talked to missionaries before, and didn't want to hear our message, but wanted to chat for a while. And about halfway through talking to us he stops and says to me, "You know what? You look like Donny Osmond..a young Donny Osmond." Now I don't think so..but he couldn't get it out of his mind and found it very amusing, he even made his wife come look at me to show her. It was funny, but a little awkward at the same time.
We also got to visit a less-active member in the hospital. She's about 2 months along in a pregnancy but was having trouble with it and we comforted her a bit and gave her a priesthood blessing, which is was a neat experience. The next day, however, we visited her and it turns out the doctors had to remove the baby. They said it had no chance of living and if it stayed, she probably wouldn't be able to recover, and could die from some internal bleeding she was having. Needless to say, it was heartbreaking talking to her the next day, and seeing her in such despair about losing her child, but she already has two little kids and it seemed to strengthen her love for them and increase her desire to be a better mom, which is good.
We taught Gloria some more, but she doesn't seem too interested in baptism. Ramon blew us off again, doh! We got to run into Buckley this week, and comfort him through a tough time he is having in the home. His mother is kicking him out of the house and he has no where to go. So we showed him the dvd "Finding Faith in Christ." And he said that helped a bit. I hope he's alright, he hasn't contacted us since he got kicked out.
Another interesting tracting experience. We knocked on this old fella's door, who said he was really busy but WANTED to talk to us, so invited us to come back at 7pm. Now, that is a very unusual occurrence in the mission field, and usually when it happens, the person is a minister of some sort for his religion and wants to mess with you. But, it turns out he was just a nice old guy who said he wanted to talk to us because he felt he should, and everyone should at least give us a chance. He let us teach him about the Restoration, and he didn't disagree with anything, and we committed him to read some in the Book of Mormon, and he said he would like that. But then he told us we wouldn't convert him because he's been a Methodist for 72 years, but we told him we weren't here for that...we just wanted him to pray. So he said he would, it was a great experience, he is a great guy. BTW, we did teach Markata this week and she soft-committed to baptism, meaning she said she'll be baptized when she finds what we teach to be true. Also, we didn't run into Judd at all, which was a bummer!
Then on Sunday, we had the primary program, which is always fun. None of our investigator's showed up but President and Sister Cannon came to teach in a combined Relief Society and Priesthood meeting, which was awesome. They are such great people and feel like a pair of grandparents to me. I have a great love for them and it is always a great experience being with them.
Well, it was a good week. Spiritual thought...hmmm, Have faith! We were listening to "Lectures on Faith" and like we've been taught all our lives, faith is foremost. But listening to the lectures is wonderful, they expound on the necessity of faith, and remind us that it is by faith that everything in the universe is made possible. Man I wanna keep writing about some of the stuff I've learned out here..but I can't explain what the people just go listen to lecture series by Truman G. Madsen about the Prophet Joseph...and you won't be disappointed. Or read the talk about the Atonement by Cleon Skousen. Phew...its all good stuff and I'm learning a lot. Here's another point, learn learn learn!!! You're never to old to learn, and as we teach in the discussions...the reason we came to earth in the first place was to obtain the things that God had that we didn't have in the preexistence, namely a body and knowledge (experience). We have a body, so now we need to get as much knowledge as possible. Anyway, I've talked long enough. I love you all and I hope you have a great week. The church is true!

Elder Fitt

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