Monday, November 17, 2008

Elder Fitt's News 11/17/08

Hello Everyone!
Sorry for the sloppy email last week, I didn't have much time to write it. The library at Rapid City where we were at had a 30 minute time limit on the computers and other people were waiting in line, oh well.
But we made it back to Pierre safe and sound, which is good. We almost hit a deer though. It was about a foot from the wheel well on my side when we swerved away, it was pretty scary seeings how we were going about 75 and the deer was running full speed. It just sprinted right out in front of us, gutsy beast.
We saw Markata that evening. And it was sad because I guess she had a bad day and spent most of it drinking. But she told us that she had only had 1 cigarette in the past 6 days, so she's improving on that part of the W. of W., just not the alcohol part. But we weren't able to see her at the rest of the week and her apartment lights are always we think she might be in jail or something, which isn't good.
We saw Cal Nelson later in the week, the older Methodist gentleman, and taught him about the Plan of Salvation. He thought it was pretty neat and was intrigued about the 3 kingdoms of glory concept of our church. We recommitted him to reading parts of the Book of Mormon and he said he'd really try this time, which is awesome.
But most of our appointments fell through this week which is really discouraging. We never go to teach Buckley, and the other investigators we planned to see where never home. We did get to see some less-active members..which is always fun.
One family, the Gravatz, is always interesting. He's a native(though he looks white) and was raised on a reservation. He always tells us crazy stories of his life, and this week we got to hear how on a trip to Paulsen Montana he went hunting in a forest with 3,000 foot tall trees and shot an elk that had 8,000, yes, 8,000 pounds of meat on it. I wish I could have seen that elk! Freakin huge!
He also talked about his run in with an archangel that had 11 foot tall wings and it would wrap its wings around people and turn them into a pillar of salt. So ya, interesting stuff.
We got to help out Scott Olson some more on his shed. We helped him build trusses for the roof, and that was really fun. I always end of learning a lot working on his projects, and its fun doing some good ol' manual labor; he feeds us too!
But the week in a whole was kinda depressing as of missionary work. Its hard to stay positive when people don't keep commitments and flake on us, everyone flakes on us out here! But I'm trying to stay positive. I know that the Lord can help us through our trials and if just exercise our faith, we can make it through any challenge, any pain, any heartache that befalls us. I know Jesus Christ is my Savior, and that our Father in Heaven loves us so much that he provided a way for us to return to live with him.
I hope you all have a great week. I'd encourage you all to seek for missionary opportunities in your lives. Ask your Father in Heaven to help you in this endeavor. Support your local missionaries, I know they're trying to do their best, but a lot of times they can feel forsaken by the members, and that should never be the case. MEMBERS ARE KEY TO MISSIONARY WORK. So please, help bring others unto Christ, it is the most important work we can do on this work, according to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and I know the Lord will help you if you try.
I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Fitt

1 comment:

JulieB said...

Thanks for posting these Court!